Monday, June 29, 2009

The Roof Sheeting is going On...We're Making Progress!

The front view roof sheeting.

Gary, Karl, and Bill putting up roof sheeting.

Looking up from inside the house.

East side roof sheeting is done.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Trusses are On!!

Thinking before putting up the trusses!!

Karl and Kenny putting up the first truss...monumental event!!

Chris and Phil working hard during the putting up of the trusses without the lift!!
They look good on those ladders!! :)

Karl, Gary, and Bill putting up the trusses above the kitchen and dining room! The lift makes for fast and efficient progress.

The Finholt Construction Company crane was there most of the day to help put up the trusses.



Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Upstairs Walls are Poured

The house with the upstairs walls up! Next....roof trusses!

Addison and Chris going out of the house through the garage door by the kitchen.

Living room, bedrooms, and going down the stairs.
(Looking East towards the pond)

Addison's bedroom, the office, and the front entry door.
(Looking South, towards Canoe Ridge)

Kitchen window, dining room window and the patio door.
(Looking West towards Haller's)

Look back yet today for interior walls that Chris and Phil are putting up on this hot day! They are hard workers!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Inside of the Upstairs

What a view!!! Aren't you jealous??

Addison's bedroom window to the left and the office window to the right!

Office window and front door!

Kitchen and dining room window.

The house is coming right along. They will be pouring the cement upstairs next Wednesday with the roof tresses coming the following week. Keep looking back for more updates. It is an exciting time at the Wicklund's!

The Outside Walls are almost Up!!

Looking up from the pond....before the bathroom window was moved to the left.

The north side of the house...a beautiful picture window and patio door.

Looking up from the pond....when the bathroom window was moved.

Kitchen and dining room window.

South side of the house, garage being worked on.

Burning the debris, Addison and grandpa working hard.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kenny put the Septic In Today

Kenny putting in the "high tech" toilet system....okay...a septic tank.

The new septic tank!!

The house is getting there!!

East side of the house (upstairs is our bathroom and bedroom window)

Front side of the house. Addison's bedroom (right) Office (left)

Garage (yet to be built), kitchen window, garage to kitchen door.

The guys are working hard! Mike and Rick will pour the house next week.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Basement Walls are Up!

Makeshift diaper station!

Stairway and utility room.

Southeast bedroom

Bathroom, east wall.

Bedroom, northeast wall.

The First Floor is Going UP!!!

Addison helping unload the block!

Looking at the east side of the house.

Garage and west side of the house.

Front entry into the house.